City of Tacoma Staff

At your service. That’s what we’re all about. Tacoma’s Neighborhood Revitalization and Small Business development offers you a broad range of skills. We are here to answer your questions and get you connected to what you need to know to grow your business, solve problems and navigate the City system.

City of Tacoma
Community and Economic Development Department
747 Market Street, 9th Floor
Tacoma, WA 98402
Telephone: 253.591.5624 (general)

Carol Wolfe
Community and Economic Development Supervisor
Phone: 253.591.5384

Carol Wolfe supervises the neighborhood revitalization and small business development team. She is a liaison to the 6th Avenue, Hilltop, Portland Avenue and Oakland Madrona Neighborhood Business districts.


Debbie Bingham
Economic Development Specialist
Phone: 253.591.5117



Debbie Bingham coordinates the Sister City program and the Multifamily Property Tax Exemption Program for the City of Tacoma. She provides liaison support to the Lincoln and Stadium Business District and can often be found in our Lincoln Project office, 750 S 38th, working on the Lincoln Revitalization Project. Debbie’s background is in international business and she speaks Japanese.


Kala Dralle
Economic Development Specialist
Phone: 253.573.2523



Kala Dralle provides liaison support to the Fern Hill, Old Town, Pacific Avenue, and Proctor Business districts and the Tacoma Neighborhoods Together board. She provides business coaching services directly to small businesses.  Kala is also the City’s special events permitting authority.


Shari Hart
Economic Development Specialist
Phone: 253.591.5208



Shari Hart is responsible for administration of the Neighborhood Business District Program and the Cross District Association board. She supports the Neighborhood Business Districts as a liaison to the Ruston Pt. Defiance, South Tacoma, Dome, Tacoma Narrows and McKinley Business districts, while improving the business climate and pedestrian experience through streetscape improvements for all business districts. Shari is also available to provide consultative services to Tacoma businesses, as well as providing an opportunity for them to showcase their business on TV Tacoma’s Business Matters.


Ivan Golovkin
Program Technician
Phone: 253.591.5186

Ivan provides support to the Special Events Program as well as the entire neighborhood revitalization and small business development team. Ivan speaks fluent Russian.


My Nguyen
Business Outreach Specialist
Phone: 253.591.5174

My Nguyen is based out of our Lincoln Revitalization Project Office, located at 750 S. 38th Street.  He is the coordinator for all business outreach surrounding the Lincoln Revitalization Project.  My is fluent in Vietnamese and is happy to help any businesses navigate the revitalization project.